Mercredi, 1 Avril,
Verse of the Day: «L'insensé dit en
son coeur: Il n'y a point de Dieu!» Psaume 14.1
Quote of the Day: “One should love none but God and
hate none but himself.”—Blaise Pascal
«Il faut n'aimer
que Dieu et ne haïr que soi.»—Blaise Pascal
French Fun Fact:
The number of times the French kiss each other as a form of greeting varies
depending on region. In Corsica, the number of kisses can be as many as 5! (
What’s Really
Happening Over Here:
Weather – Mostly
Cloudy, Precip. 20%
Temperature – 45⁰F,
high of 50⁰
News – New road
opens up to crash site in French Alps (
More News –
A Day In the Life:
So yesterday I bought my ticket for my trip on Monday to a
very historic part of France…whose name I will not divulge just yet, just to
keep you in a bit of suspense. But I look forward to seeing some important
sites and taking some pictures!
The Defeat of
“William Sangster was a Bible-believing Methodist in a time
when the Methodist Church was crumbling in unbelief. Dr. Sangster did all he could to rally his
denomination back to the fundamental truths of the faith. This sermon is an example of that bold preaching. Dr. Sangster
failed in bringing Methodism
back, but never failed in his personal ministry to publish the eternal truths
of God's Word. (”
I love Sangster’s choice of language throughout this sermon.
He uses a balanced combination of metaphors: “strange temper of the times”, "painting
the ship while she goes down", “In a true adventure the element of fear is
only a condiment at the feast; it must not maintain itself in the central place”;
and of repetition: “Statesmen feel it. They want peace, but they are so sure
that they cannot get it that they bend their whole strength to the preparations
for war. Economists feel it. They dread a slump in trade, but they have no
confidence in their ability to avoid it. Doctors feel it. Lord Horder said recently:
‘All is not well with the family doctor...He has lost caste...He must change
his own attitude of defeatism.’ The Church knows the malady too…” I can only imagine that his delivery was
You can view the speech in its entirety here.