Monday, February 9, 2015

Motivational Friday!

Vendredi, 6 Février, 2015
Verse of the Day: « Celui qui poursuit la justice et la bonté trouvera la vie, la justice, et la gloire. »—Proverbes 21 :21

Quote of the Day:
"One must know when to doubt, when to submit, and when to believe."—Blaise Pascal
« Il faut savoir douter où il faut, se soumettre où il faut, croire où il faut. »—Blaise Pascal

What’s Really Happening Over Here:

A Day In the Life:
Today was a great day. I was able to get up early, spend some time in the Word, spend some time “beating my body and making it my slave (no, that’s not literally what I did. I worked out.)”, and then get some work done. I have started a few new personal traditions since I’ve been here, ones that I plan to carry out for the rest of my life.

First, every Friday, I will go to the movies. Second, Friday night through Saturday night is my “cheat day” for the week for food. Third, every Saturday I’m going to eat pizza. So, needless to say I’m pretty pumped.

Going to the movies though actually started as part of my internship here. Through observing mass media here in France – movies, television, radio, news, I am comparing the effects and agendas, if you will, of mass communication and Agenda Setting Theory to those of America. It just happens to be one of the more fun parts of my internship. And although the majority of the movies here are actually American, it is still very interesting to analyze the words that are picked up and lost in translation through the dubbing, which sometimes can give a bit of a different meaning to a scene. I love this stuff!

So anyways, I did that. This time it was Jupiter Ascending – it was…okay; I’ll leave it at that. Then, I went youth group again and really enjoyed myself there. My new friends have been really accepting, and I actually look forward to seeing them again each Friday night and growing with them. And as usual, they stuffed food down my throat.

This time though the experience was actually a little bit different, in a good way. One of the girls (she’s not really a girl, she’s mid-20’s) who has been there each time sat next to me at the dinner, and started talking to me. My French is definitely improving every day, but there are still certain English and American phrases which don’t really have counter-parts in French, so I still kind of struggle with those. (For example, “adorer” means “to worship”. My host dad asked me if I wanted more kiwi at dinner, and I said “Oh oui, j’adore le kiwi.” As in “Oh yeah, I love kiwi.” Yeah, no. No it doesn’t work like that. Like and love are probably the biggest problem I’ve run into so far, because for us, especially in the US, love can mean so many different things based on context. But here, all they have is one word for everything: “aimer”. That’s what they use for like, wish, love, would like, everything. It sucks.) So I ran into one of those while I was talking to her, and I literally couldn’t think of any synonyms or different ways of explaining what I was trying to say. After a solid 7 seconds, she said “I speak English.”

Nelson Mandela once said, “When you speak to a man in his second language, you speak to his mind. When you speak to a man in his native language, you speak to his heart.” That quote has proved true on many occasions since I’ve been here, and this was certainly one of them. That simple phrase immediately connected me to her, and although we continued to speak in French, I know had someone to help we work on finding the counterparts for those concepts I was struggling with. We actually went on to have a 25 minute conversation on French manners, where I just unloaded all the questions that had been building up but that I never asked because I didn’t entirely know how to. It really help me settle in just that much more. I’m really enjoying myself so far!

Be Hungry (Fight for It):
I will be posting my favorite motivational videos every Friday, so stay tuned!

This video was very effective for me. If you know me, you know I’m all about the heart – listening with your heart, following your heart, fighting with your heart, “putting your heart into it”; so the opening immediately caught my attention. I also really love my mother, so it kept my attention at the end with a personal story.

What I liked most though were the “phrase reversals” as I call them – the play on words that Les Brown (the main speaker) used throughout. These clever quips are what stay with the audience, and what their minds most readily recall when they do encounter struggle. Obviously they should not be forced, but used correctly they can have a huge impact. Let these be motivation for you in the coming week!
    “If you do what is easy, your life will be hard. But if you do what is hard, your life will be easy.”

  “People that are hungry, are willing today to do the things others won’t do, in order to have the things tomorrow others won’t have.”

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