Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Great Missionaries | 9. Andrew van der Bijl

Mardi, 31 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Mais il était blessé pour nos péchés, Brisé pour nos iniquités; Le châtiment qui nous donne la paix est tombé sur lui, Et c'est par ses meurtrissures que nous sommes guéris. Nous étions tous errants comme des brebis, Chacun suivait sa propre voie; Et l'Eternel a fait retomber sur lui l'iniquité de nous tous.» Ésaïe 53.5-6

Quote of the Day“Wisdom is the knowledge of things divine and things of man.”—Cicero
«La sagesse est la connaissance des choses divines et des choses humaines.»— Cicéron

French Fun Fact: French men have the lowest level of obesity in the EU, and women are second after Denmark. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Mostly Cloudy, Precip. 20%
Temperature – 57⁰F, high of 59⁰
News – The key reforms of France's healthcare bill (thelocal.fr)

A Day In the Life:
If you woke up this morning, that alone is proof that there is a God. If not, that is proof as well.

Andrew van der Bijl
Early Life
Van der Bijl was born in Sint Pancras, the Netherlands, and was the fourth of seven children to a poor, near deaf blacksmith and an invalid mother. He told John Sherrill and Elizabeth Sherrill, when they transcribed his memories into God's Smuggler, "From the day I first put on wooden shoes--klompen we call them in Holland--I dreamed of derring-do."

Conversion to Christianity
Van der Bijl recounts to the Sherrill spouses, in God's Smuggler, how, post-war, he enlisted in the colonial army of the Dutch East Indies during the rebellion that would eventually form the nation of Indonesia--and that this first venture into derring-do initially had unpleasant results. For he endured a
period of severe emotional stress whilst serving as a soldier. He was wounded in the ankle during the fighting; during his rehabilitation, he read the Bible obsessively, eventually converting to Christianity.

Visits to Communist Countries
In July of 1955, Van der Bijl visited communist Poland, "to see how my brothers are doing," referring to the underground church. He signed up to a Communist youth group, which was the only legal way to stay in the country. In that time, he felt himself to be called to respond to the Biblical commission "Wake up, strengthen what remains and is about to die" (Revelation 3:2). This was the start of a mission leading him into several Communist-ruled countries where Christians were persecuted--those behind the "Iron Curtain," where religions like Christianity were technically tolerated but actually illegal.
In 1957, Van der Bijl traveled to the Soviet Union's capital city, Moscow, in a Volkswagen Beetle, which later became the symbol of Open Doors, the organization he founded. An older couple that mentored him had given him their new car, because it could hold several Bibles and spiritual literature. Although Van der Bijl was violating the laws of some of the countries he visited by bringing religious literature, he often placed the material in plain view when stopped at police checkpoints, as a gesture of trust in God's protection. This was the penultimate realization of his childhood dreams of derring-do.

Van der Bijl visited China in the 1960s, after the Cultural Revolution had created a hostile policy towards Christianity and other religions. It was the time of the so-called Bamboo Curtain. He came to Czechoslovakia, when the suppression by Soviet troops of the "Prague Spring" had put an end to relative religious freedom there. He encouraged fellow believers there and gave Bibles to Russian occupying forces. During that decade he also made his first visits to Cuba after that country's revolution.

In 1976 some African countries came under atheist rule. He wrote a book about the spiritual struggle on this continent and in congresses called upon local Christian leaders to strengthen their communities.

God's Smuggler
In 1967, Van der Bijl published the first edition of God's Smuggler, written with John and Elizabeth Sherrill. God's Smuggler tells the story of Van der Bijl's early childhood, conversion to Christianity, and adventures as a Bible-smuggler behind the Iron Curtain. By 2002, it had sold over 10 million copies in thirty-five languages.

Middle East
After the fall of communism in Europe, Brother Andrew shifted his focus to the Middle East and has worked to strengthen the church in the Islamic world. In the 70s he visited war-torn Lebanon several times, stating that "global conflict in the end times will focus on Israel and its neighboring countries."

Light Force and Secret Believers
In the '90s, van der Bijl went to the region several times again. In the book Light Force, van der Bijl tells about Arab and Lebanese churches in Lebanon, Israel and Israeli Arab areas that express great delight because of the mere visit of a fellow Christian from abroad, because they feel the church in the Western world at large is ignoring them. Likewise, he and a companion, Al Janssen, visited Hamas and PLO leaders including Ahmed Yassin and Yasser Arafat, handing out Bibles. Further on, there is a portrait of a project called Musalaha, which was founded by the Palestinian Evangelical leader Salim Munayer. Musalaha's name is an Arabic word which translates as "reconciliation," and it attempts to bring closer together Israelis and indigenous Israeli Arabs.

Van der Bijl's seventh book, called Secret Believers: What Happens When Muslims Believe in Christ, was released on July 1, 2007.

(The above information on Van der Bijl is a direct quotation from the Wikipedia.com article on Andrew van der Bijl.)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Great Orators | 9. George Herbert

Lundi, 30 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Il était méprisé, abandonné des hommes, un homme de douleur habitué à la souffrance. Oui, il était semblable à ceux devant lesquels on détourne les yeux. Il était méprisé, et nous n'avons fait aucun cas de sa valeur. Pourtant, en vérité, c'est de nos maladies qu'il s'est chargé, et ce sont nos souffrances qu'il a prises sur lui, alors que nous pensions que Dieu l'avait puni, frappé et humilié.» Ésaïe 53.3-4

Quote of the Day“Man is born to please Him: he feels Him, there need be no other proof.”—Blaise Pascal
«L'homme est né pour Le plaisir : il Le sent, il n'en faut point d'autre preuve.»—Blaise Pascal

French Fun Fact: The French have one of the highest life expectancies in the EU. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Partly Cloudy, Precip. 10%
Temperature – 59⁰F, high of  59⁰
News – French local elections: Who won and who lost (thelocal.fr)
More News – http://sports.orange.fr/

A Day In the Life:
Yesterday, Palm Sunday, was a very important day for us as Christians for many reasons. First, it of course speaks to the majesty of our King, Jesus, who was rightfully hailed as the Messiah as He entered His beloved capital city. When the crowd was told to stop, Christ responded that “If they are quiet, even the rocks will cry out!”

I think we often read over that statement all too quickly, treating it as a simple metaphor of some kind. But I think He was being literal. In fact, although we continue to quiet our praise for Him and turn our praise toward our desires and feelings and ourselves, the planets are literally crying out: http://www.nasa.gov/vision/universe/features/halloween_sounds.html).

In the service we read from Matthew 27, and we looked at both Judas’ and Peter’s betrayals. What was the difference between the two? Yes, they had specific destinies, but that does not infringe upon choice, it is simply (as in Oedipus Rex) foreknowledge of what choices we will make, and the consequences that will result. So why did Judas end up hanging from a tree and Peter end up forgiven. Among other reasons of course, a core reason was that although Judas definitely felt really bad about what he did, Peter actually repented. Repentance turns sin into a building block rather than an obstacle.

George Herbert
George Herbert (3 April 1593 – 1 March 1633) was a Welsh-born English poet, orator and Anglican priest. Herbert's poetry is associated with the writings of the metaphysical poets, and he is recognized as "a pivotal figure: enormously popular, deeply and broadly influential, and arguably the most skillful and important British devotional lyricist."

Born into an artistic and wealthy family, Herbert received a good education that led to his admission in 1609 as a student at Trinity College, Cambridge, where Herbert excelled in languages, rhetoric and
music. He went to university with the intention of becoming a priest, but when eventually he became the University's Public Orator he attracted the attention of King James I and may well have seen himself as a future Secretary of State. In 1624 and briefly in 1625 he served in Parliament. After the death of King James, Herbert's interest in ordained ministry was renewed. In his mid-thirties he gave up his secular ambitions and took holy orders in the Church of England, spending the rest of his life as the rector of the little parish of Fugglestone St Peter with Bemerton, near Salisbury. He was noted for unfailing care for his parishioners, bringing the sacraments to them when they were ill, and providing food and clothing for those in need. Henry Vaughan called him "a most glorious saint and seer". Never a healthy man, he died of consumption at the early age of 39.

Throughout his life, he wrote religious poems characterized by a precision of language, a metrical versatility, and an ingenious use of imagery or conceits that was favoured by the metaphysical school of poets. Charles Cotton described him as a "soul composed of harmonies". Some of Herbert's poems have endured as popular hymns, including "King of Glory, King of Peace" (Praise): "Let All the World in Every Corner Sing" (Antiphon) and "Teach me, my God and King" (The Elixir). Herbert's first biographer, Izaak Walton, wrote that he composed "such hymns and anthems as he and the angels now sing in heaven".

(The above is a direct quotation from the Wikipedia.com article on George Herbert.)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Poem of the Week | 7. Return to the Start

Samedi, 28 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Car il y a un seul Dieu, et aussi un seul médiateur entre Dieu et les hommes, Jésus Christ homme, qui s'est donné lui-même en rançon pour tous. C'est là le témoignage rendu en son propre temps.» 1 Timothée 2.5-6

Quote of the Day“It’s not the hours that are precious, it’s the minutes.”—George Bernard Shaw
«Ce ne sont pas les heures qui sont précieuses, ce sont les minutes.»—George Bernard Shaw

French Fun Fact: France has the highest number of ski resorts. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Clear, Precip. 10%
Temperature – 53⁰F, high of  58⁰
News – Crash pilot told ex 'everyone will know my name': report (thelocal.fr)
More News – http://www.lexpress.fr/

A Day In the Life:
Last night’s Bible study was very encouraging and refreshing for me. We were in Mark 10, and we looked at the story of the rich man seeking eternal life (v. 17-23) as well as Bartimaeus the blind beggar (v. 46-52).

When you really study the two accounts, they are opposites for more reasons than their income, and it’s really interesting. The rich man came to Jesus, asking for what he could do to receive eternal life. He just wanted to make sure all the boxes were checked. That’s religion – that’s works.

On the other hand, Bartimaeus asked for mercy. Not for help, not for advice – he understood his condition: he was too far gone. His only hope was Divine intervention. When Jesus told the rich man to sell everything he had, he was asking him to perform an act of faith. Bartimaeus has enough faith to trust that Christ can heal him, and what is His response? “Your faith has healed you.”

He wants us to have faith. Clearly, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”

Return to the Start
There’s a need You have placed into each of our hearts
To depart from this place
And return to the start. 

To finish this race
And return to the start.

By: Theodore Wilson III

Motivational Friday | 8. Destiny

Vendredi, 27 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day« Sur Dieu reposent mon salut et ma gloire; Le rocher de ma force, mon refuge, est en Dieu.» Psaumes 62.7

Quote of the Day“The man who loves only himself hates nothing more than being alone.”—Blaise Pascal
«L’homme qui n’aime que soi ne hait rien tant que d’être seul.»—Blaise Pascal

French Fun Fact: France is the most visited country in the world with 75 million tourists yearly. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Cloudy, Precip. 10%
Temperature – 53⁰F, high of  56⁰
News – Co-pilot suffered bout of 'serious depression' (thelocal.fr)
More News – http://www.lequipe.fr/

A Day In the Life:
As promised, here’s my pastor’s interview from the other day!

-          When did you become a Christian?
When I was twelve years old
-          How did you become a Christian?
At a Christian camp for kids
-          How long have you been in the ministry?
Depends on what you mean by “the ministry”. If you mean where I didn’t have any other job, then it’s been 18 months. But if you mean involved in any way, then I became an elder at this church in 2007, so that was my first real introduction into the ministry.
-          What did you do before this?
Before this I worked for a company in their IT department, doing programming and things like that. And then right before I left I became a project team manager, so I actually got some good practice in managing individuals and teams which has been helpful to me in the ministry.
-          What led you to make this decision?
It was something I had been thinking about for a while, but I just felt His call in that direction. I think it’s really important to sort of have be in both the ministry and the world, so that you can have an impact on those you work with and serve on a daily basis – but I just don’t have that luxury right now. I’m just trying to be obedient.
-          What do you enjoy most about your job?
I like working for the church. I love the church, and the people involved, so it’s really a pleasure to serve them.
-          What is the hardest part of your job?
Being alone on a pretty regular basis. Most of my time during the week is spent here in the office, so it definitely gets lonely and that’s never fun.
-          What are some other difficulties you have to face?
It’s just serious work; there’s always different decisions that you have to make and you want to be fair and considerate, but you can’t please everyone, and my job is to please God. And sometimes that means telling people things that they don’t want to hear, but that’s part of the job.
-          What are some lessons you’ve learned so far during your time in the ministry?
That it doesn’t always turn out how you expect. I really like to have a plan and to follow it, but things don’t always go according to plan. You just have to be able to adapt.
-          What is a story of triumph you’ve had during your time in the ministry?
That’s a tough question, because I think it’s really more of a matter of perspective. My perspective is that for me, it’s not about having a bunch of little projects – it’s about a lifestyle. I only have one project: my life. And so as I try to live out what I believe each day, the triumph will come from doing my job well and honoring Him when the race is finished.
-          What is the spiritual climate here in France?
It’s hard to say really. I don’t know too much about all the statistics and things, but we definitely still have a lot of work to do. I know here in this city the goal of our Baptist Federation is to have about 1 church for every 1,000 people who live here – we’d need about 30 more churches to reach that goal. So we have a lot of work to do, but we’re definitely grateful for what He’s done so far.
-          What is the cause of this?
It’s tough to put a finger on it, put a lot of it is because of the history of the church here. The Catholic church was more religious than anything, and they had so much power and they caused so much pain, that when people had the chance to break away they took full advantage of it; they wanted nothing to do with a god like that.
-          Is it difficult to share the Gospel?
It can be, yes, because people have a lot of preconceived notions about God and the church, they don’t really want to hear what you have to say. If you were to try and start a conversation about either of those subjects it would definitely come as a surprise and probably wouldn’t be very effective. You really have to build relationships first, and that takes time.
-          What are some effective tactics for sharing the Gospel?
Really one of the most effective tactics is to invite people to church. You really want them to see that the way it was is not the way it is or the way it was supposed to be. You want them to experience the difference, the love that comes from the body of Christ – and then use the Gospel as an answer to their questions.


I love the concept of destiny. I love the concept – and I believe there is truth in it – that we were predestined with certain gifts to accomplish certain works. Be motivated to accomplish them!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Great Speeches | 8. On the Death of Marie Antoinette (Edmund Burke, 1793)

Jeudi, 26 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Parce qu'il vous a été gratuitement donné dans ce qui a du rapport à Christ, non seulement de croire en lui, mais aussi de souffrir pour lui.» Philipiens 1.29

Quote of the Day“You can fool some people all of the time. You can fool all the people some of the time. But you cannot fool all the people all of the time.”—Abraham Lincoln
«Vous pouvez trompez quelques personnes tout le temps. Vous pouvez tromper tout le monde un certain temps. Mais vous ne pouvez pas tromper tout le monde tout le temps.»—Abraham Lincoln

French Fun Fact: The first department store was founded by Aristide Boucicaut in 1838. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Cloudy, Precip. 10%
Temperature – 53⁰F, high of  56⁰
News – Revealed: Final minutes of Germanwings flight (thelocal.fr)
More News – http://www.20minutes.fr/

A Day In the Life:
Unfortunately, I forgot that it takes a decent amount of time to go back through the recording and take down and translate his answers, so I’ll fill you in on that end in tomorrow’s edition.
Let’s be in serious prayer for the families affected by the recent plane crash. Unbelievable.

On the Death of Marie Antoinette
The following was an address given by Edmund Burke following the death of Marie Antoinette. It reads more like a poem than a speech, and its brevity was as effective as its language. As I read these words, I was struck with their application to the current state of honor and chivalry, and of our treatment of women in modern society. I pray that that light is not, as Burke says, "extinguished forever".
"It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the Queen of France, then the Dauphiness, at Versailles; and surely never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delightful vision. I saw her just above the horizon, decorating and cheering the elevated sphere she had just begun to move in, glittering like the morning star full of life and splendor and joy.

Oh, what a revolution! and what a heart must I have, to contemplate without emotion that elevation and that fall! Little did I dream, when she added titles of veneration to those of enthusiastic, distant, respectful love, that she should ever be obliged to carry the sharp antidote against disgrace concealed in that bosom; little did I dream that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen upon her, in a nation of gallant men, in a nation of men of honor, and of cavaliers! I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards, to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult.

But the age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever. Never, never more, shall we behold that generous loyalty to rank and sex, that proud submission, that dignified obedience, that subordination of the heart, which kept alive, even in servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom! The unbought grace of life, the cheap defense of nations, the nurse of manly sentiment and heroic enterprise is gone. It is gone, that sensibility of principle, that chastity of honor, which felt a stain like a wound, which inspired courage whilst it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itself lost half its evil, by losing all its grossness."
Edmund Burke – 1793

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Great Sermons | 8. Falling Madly In Love With God – Francis Chan

Mercredi, 25 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Si nous confessons nos péchés, Il est fidèle et juste pour nous les pardonner, et pour nous purifier de toute iniquité.» 1 Jean 1.9

Quote of the Day“A happy life is one that begins with love and ends with ambition. If I had to choose one, I would take this one.”—Blaise Pascal
«Qu’une vie est heureuse quand elle commence par l’amour et fini par l’ambition. Si javais à en choisir une, je prendrais celle-ci.»—Blaise Pascal

French Fun Fact: France has won the most Nobel Prizes for Literature than any other country in the world, and the second most in mathematics. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Cloudy, Precip. 20%
Temperature – 44⁰F, high of 45⁰
News – LIVE: US confirms two victims in Alps crash (thelocal.fr)

A Day In the Life:
Tomorrow I’ll finally be able to interview my pastor, and I’m really looking forward to hearing what he has to say. As usual, here’s a preview of the questions I plan on asking him, and I’ll share his answers with you tomorrow!
-          When did you become a Christian?
-          How did you become a Christian?
-          How long have you been in the ministry?
-          What did you do before this?
-          What led you to make this decision?
-          What do you enjoy most about your job?
-          What is the hardest part of your job?
-          What are some other difficulties you have to face?
-          What are some lessons you’ve learned so far during your time in the ministry?
-          What is a story of triumph you’ve had during your time in the ministry?
-          What was the reason you were successful?
-          What is a story of failure you’ve had during your time in the ministry?
-          What was the reason you were unsuccessful?
-          What is the spiritual climate here in France?
-          What is the cause of this?
-          Is it difficult to share the Gospel?
-          Have you had any opportunities to share the Gospel?
-          What are some effective tactics for sharing the Gospel?
Translated :
-          Quand as-tu devenu chrétien ?
-          Comment est-ce que tu es devenu chrétien ?
-          Combien de temps as-tu été dans le ministère ?
-          Qu'est-ce que tu as fait avant ?
-          Qu'est-ce qui t'a amené à prendre cette décision ?
-          Qu'est-ce que tu aimes le plus dans ton travail ?
-          Quelle est la partie la plus difficile de ton travail ?
-          Quels sont les autres difficultés que tu dois affronter ?
-          Quelles sont quelques leçons que tu as appris jusqu'à présent pendant ton temps dans le ministère ?
-          Qu'est-ce qu'une histoire de triomphe que tu as eu pendant ton temps dans le ministère ?
-          Quelle était la raison pour laquelle tu as réussi ?
-          Qu'est-ce qu'une histoire d'un échec que tu as eu pendant ton temps dans le ministère ?
-          Quelle était la raison pour laquelle tu n'as pas réussi ?
-          Quel est le climat spirituel ici en France ?
-          Quelle est la cause de cette situation ?
-          Est-il difficile de partager l'Evangile ?
-          As-tu eu des occasions de partager l'Evangile ?
-          Quelles sont certaines des tactiques efficaces pour partager l'Evangile ? 

Falling Madly In Love With God
I have spent a lot of time recently wishing I could fall more in love with Him. The point Chan makes in this sermon is that it actually has nothing to do with us. Our love for Him is in fact directly proportional to our understanding of His love for us. The only problem is that if we read Ephesians 3:14-19, we see that in fact His love for us surpasses knowledge – we can’t know it. Paul goes on to say that it is a work of the Spirit “…that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” So basically, we need to pray vigorously for ourselves and others that the Spirit would indeed do this work in us. This is the only way we can fall madly in love with Him.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Great Missionaries | 8. St. Francis Xavier

Mardi, 24 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Car le salaire du péché, c'est la mort; mais le don gratuit de Dieu, c'est la vie éternelle en Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur.» Romains 6.23

Quote of the Day“Nothing is advantageous that makes you lose your self-respect.”—Marcus Aurelius
«Rien n’est avantageux qui te fait perdre le respect de toi-même.»—Marc Aurèle

French Fun Fact: France created the first universal declaration of human rights in 1789. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Cloudy, Precip. 80%
Temperature – 58⁰F, high of 58⁰
News – Passenger plane crashes in French Alps (thelocal.fr)
More News – http://www.lemonde.fr/

A Day In the Life:
I believe that the doctrine of Intelligent Design is so crucial, that it is impossible to be a true Christian unless you wholeheartedly accept its veracity. I say this because the gospel itself hinges upon the events that transpired in the Garden of Eden. If Adam, or the first man in this case, was naught but a product of randomization and natural selection, then there would have been no rules for him to break, and no relationship with a Holy God for him to sever. Thus, he and his offspring would have no need for a Savior to make things right. However he was a product of creation, he did sin, and so have the rest of us; and we are all in absolute desperate need of a Savior. Now I know that the doctrine of Intelligent Design is true, because the evidence surrounds me. For me, the example closest to home is the intricacy and majesty of the human body itself. Darwin himself admitted that "to suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree." The eye is simple compared to the complexity of the brain, the nervous system, adrenaline, even the index finger! The overall perfection in the engineering of the human body is unmatchable, and is full of dependent parts (such as the eye) and sub-parts which physically had to have come into existence at the same time in order to function. The only explanation for this is an Intelligent Designer, and all true Christians (including myself) continue to hold this Designer to be God Himself.

St. Francis Xavier
Francis Xavier, SJ, born Francisco de Jasso y Azpilicueta (7 April 1506 – 3 December 1552), was a Basque Roman Catholic missionary born in Xavier, Kingdom of Navarre (now part of Spain), and a co-founder of the Society of Jesus. He was a companion of St. Ignatius of Loyola and one of the first seven Jesuits who took vows of poverty and chastity at Montmartre, (Paris) in 1534. He led an extensive mission into Asia, mainly in the Portuguese Empire of the time and was influential in
St. Francis Xavier
evangelization work most notably in India. He also ventured into Japan, Borneo, the Maluku Islands, and other areas which had, until then, not been visited by Christian missionaries. In these areas, struggling to learn the local languages and in the face of opposition, he had less success than he had enjoyed in India. It was a goal of Xavier to extend his missionary preaching to China but he died in Shangchuan Island shortly before doing so.

St. Francis Xavier was beatified by Paul V on 25 October 1619, and was canonized by Gregory XV on 12 March 1622. In 1624 he was made co-patron of Navarre alongside Santiago. Known as the "Apostle of the Indies," and the "Apostle of Japan”, he is considered to be one of the greatest missionaries since St. Paul. In 1927, Pope Pius XI published the decree “Apostolicorum in Missionibus” naming St. Francis Xavier, along with St. Thérèse of Lisieux, co-patron of all foreign missions. He is now co-patron saint of Navarre with San Fermin. The Day of Navarre (Día de Navarra) in Spain marks the anniversary of Saint Francis Xavier's death on December 3, 1552.

(The above information on Alcibiades is a direct quote from the Wikipedia.com article detailing his life.)

Monday, March 23, 2015

Great Orators | 8. Alcibiades

Lundi, 23 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day« Heureux l'homme qui supporte patiemment la tentation; car, après avoir été éprouvé, il recevra la couronne de vie, que le Seigneur a promise à ceux qui l'aiment.» Jacques 1.12

Quote of the Day“If they are bigger than us…they have their feet as low as ours.”—Blaise Pascal
«S’ils sont plus grands que nous…ils ont les pieds aussi bas que les notres.»—Blaise Pascal

French Fun Fact: France ruled the second largest colonial empire in the world controlling 8.6% of the world’s land. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Mostly Cloudy, Precip. 0%
Temperature – 40⁰F, high of 47⁰
News – Paris ends smog-fighting curbs as air clears (thelocal.fr)
More News – http://www.lefigaro.fr/

A Day In the Life:
I had too much work to catch up on yesterday to catch the service at church, but I was still able to learn a bit. I watched and analyzed a sermon by Chuck Swindoll given in 2012 at Dallas Baptist Seminary, where he is currently the Chancellor. Although my notes were specifically on his speaking style, you can watch the video for yourself here:

For those few of you who might be interested, here are my notes on his speaking style!

Chuck Swindoll
-          Powerful quote: “My job is to get grown men to do what they do not enjoy doing, so that they can do what they always dreamed of doing.”—Tom Landry
-          Humor – intellectual/dry/self-depricating
-          Voice – almost like a grandfather: calming; makes you feel you can trust him; commanding when he raises it
-          Body movement – very dynamic: leans forward; backward; side to side; but stays behind the pulpit
-          Hand/arm movement – expressive: a lot of top-down movement; and self to crowd movement, often reaching out towards the audience (subconsciously identifying with them, placing himself level with rather than above them); controlled
-          Artistic proofs – ethos (the chancellor of the school, but the speaker who introduced him did a good job of highlighting who he is and what he has done for those who might not know), pathos (always ‘you and I’, ‘we’, ‘struggle’, consistent use of voice inflection to express the gravity of what he is speaking about)
-          Inartistic proofs – Scripture: completely based on Scripture
-          Rhythm – overall slow paced: does not necessarily speed up, just raises and lowers his voice
-          Language – articulate: speaks like an academic (as he is); uses repetition, ‘It is a race run…’

Alcibiades, son of Cleinias, from the deme of Scambonidae (/ˌælsɨˈbaɪ.ədiːz/;[1] Greek: Ἀλκιβιάδης Κλεινίου Σκαμβωνίδης, transliterated Alkibiádēs Kleiníou Skambōnidēs; c. 450 – 404 BC), was a prominent Athenian statesman, orator, and general. He was the last famous member of his mother's aristocratic family, the Alcmaeonidae, which fell from prominence after the Peloponnesian War. He
played a major role in the second half of that conflict as a strategic advisor, military commander, and politician.

During the course of the Peloponnesian War, Alcibiades changed his political allegiance several times. In his native Athens in the early 410s BC, he advocated an aggressive foreign policy and was a prominent proponent of the Sicilian Expedition, but he fled to Sparta after his political enemies brought charges of sacrilege against him. In Sparta, he served as a strategic adviser, proposing or supervising several major campaigns against Athens. In Sparta too, however, Alcibiades soon made powerful enemies and felt forced to defect to Persia. There he served as an adviser to the satrap Tissaphernes until his Athenian political allies brought about his recall. He then served as an Athenian general (Strategos) for several years, but his enemies eventually succeeded in exiling him a second time.

The Sicilian Expedition was the idea of Alcibiades, and scholars have argued that, had that expedition been under Alcibiades's command instead of that of Nicias, the expedition might not have met its eventual disastrous fate. In the years when he served Sparta, Alcibiades played a significant role in Athens's undoing; the capture of Decelea and the revolts of several critical Athenian subjects occurred either at his suggestion or under his supervision. Once restored to his native city, however, he played a crucial role in a string of Athenian victories that eventually brought Sparta to seek a peace with Athens. He favored unconventional tactics, frequently winning cities over by treachery or negotiation rather than by siege. Alcibiades's military and political talents frequently proved valuable to whichever state currently held his allegiance, but his propensity for making powerful enemies ensured that he never remained in one place for long; and by the end of the war which he had helped to rekindle in the early 410s, his days of political relevance were a bygone memory.

(The above information on Alcibiades is a direct quote from the Wikipedia.com article detailing his life.)

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Poem of the Week | 6. The Blessing of Valleys

Samedi, 21 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Béni soit l'homme qui se confie en l'Eternel et place sa confiance en l'Eternel. Il sera comme un arbre planté près d'un cours d'eau qui étend ses racines vers le ruisseau, il ne redoute rien lorsque vient la chaleur: ses feuilles restent vertes; il ne s'inquiète pas pendant l'année de sécheresse, et il ne cesse pas de produire du fruit.» Jérémie 17.7-8

Quote of the Day“He will not live well who does not know how to die.”—Seneca
«Il vivra mal celui qui ne saura pas mourir.»—Sénèque

French Fun Fact: Famous French inventions include: the hot air balloon, the submarine, and the parachute. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here
Weather – Rain Showers, Precip. 90%
Temperature – 48⁰F, high of 54⁰
News – 'Tide of the century': Thousands flock to coast (thelocal.fr)

A Day In the Life:
The book for this week is The Five Love Languages: Singles Edition, by Gary Chapman. I have heard a lot about the 5 love languages, but this is my first in-depth exposure to them, and as a communication major it has honestly profoundly impacted my perspective on interpersonal communication. I fully believe YHWH, the embodiment of love, when He says that love NEVER fails. But I had never really considered the fact that we all receive and therefore give love in different ways. I had also never really considered how effective it can be to learn to speak those languages. It makes sense though – at the end of the day the only thing we are seeking is love, thus the God/Love-sized whole in our hearts.

The five love languages are: words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, physical touch, and quality time.

This has honestly shed a lot of light on all of my interpersonal relationships – why I am the way I am, why I act the way I act, and why others are the way they are. Personally, my primary love language is physical touch, with my secondary being words of affirmation. And I’m not kidding, if you never gave me anything, if you never spent any time with me, and you never did anything for me, but you put your arm around my shoulder and said you appreciated me, I would be good to go. This explains why I’m okay with being alone as often as I am (I really thought there was something wrong with me). Just give me a high five or something and my “love tank” (as Chapman calls it) is full.

But successful interpersonal communication comes not only from knowing yourself, but knowing others as well. I believe this was His whole plan from the beginning – we were created to know and be known. He wants to know us and for us to know Him. The only problem arose when we sinned, because that made it literally impossible for us to know Him. So He fixed that through His Son, and now the invitation is open to any and all who are interested in getting back to the real reason we exist. In fact, when we say we love someone, I think it is more than just sacrificing yourself and your wants and needs for someone else. I think it all comes down to the simple concept of being known. When you truly know someone, how could you not sacrifice yourself for them?

The Blessing of Valleys
A valley is not a valley where earth does not again raise
A man is not a man who has not endured a pubescent phase
There is not one desert on this earth that is not surrounded by water
There is not one orphan who herein dwells that lacks a loving Father

There is not one prisoner, innocent or guilty, who will not be set free from their prison
And there is not one human with breath in their lungs, who can speak of what they’ve not been given 

Often the deeper the valley before you,
The higher the peak of the mountain
And the hotter the heat and the fear in the desert,
The more vigilant you are for the Fountain.

By: Theodore Wilson III

Friday, March 20, 2015

Motivational Friday | 7. Mindshift

Vendredi, 20 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Désirez, comme des enfants nouveau-nés, le lait spirituel et pur, afin que par lui vous croissiez pour le salut, si vous avez goûté que le Seigneur est bon.» 1 Pierre 2.2-3

Quote of the Day“Man is full of needs: he only desires what can fulfill them all.”—Blaise Pascal
«L’homme est plein de besoins: il n’aime que ceux qui peuvent les remplir tous»—Blaise Pascal

French Fun Fact: In 2004, the French produced 56.6. million hectoliters of wine. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Light Rain, Precip. 70%
Temperature – 46⁰F, high of 57⁰
News – In pictures: Solar eclipse behind French clouds (thelocal.fr)

A Day In the Life:
Yesterday was full of the usual training routine, but I got to do some more personal training for the kids! Also, my host family is filling out brackets for March Madness…don’t forget to fill out your own! Just know you heard it here first: OSU - National Champions 2015. 

When it comes down to it, whatever you want to do – any decision you make, comes down to your mind. As Jonathan Kent says to a young Clark, “You just have to decide what kind of man you wanna grow up to be, Clark. Because whoever that man is, good or bad, he’s gonna change the world.” Is that not true of all of us? We all have the potential to change the world, and we will all realize that potential. Whether we change it for the better or not comes down to a personal decision that we make – or don’t make. Change your mind, change your actions, change your situation.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Great Speeches | 7. I Am Prepared To Die (Nelson Mandela, 1964)

Jeudi, 19 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Mais le fruit de l'Esprit, c'est l'amour, la joie, la paix, la patience, la bonté, la bénignité, la fidélité, la douceur, la tempérance; la loi n'est pas contre ces choses.» Galates 5.22-23

Quote of the Day“None of us, in working alone, can reach success.”—Nelson Mandela
«Aucun de nous, en agissant seul, ne peut atteindre le succès.»—Nelson Mandela

French Fun Fact: The storming of the Bastille was more of a symbolic act. During that day, there were only 7 prisoners and 4 of them were there because of check forging. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Partly Cloudy, Precip. 0%
Temperature – 52⁰F, high of 59⁰
News – French tourists caught in Tunisia terror attack (thelocal.fr)
More News – http://europe1.fr/

A Day In the Life:
As I was eating my lunch today, I stumbled upon a pretty interesting video about Olympians. A question many people want to know the answer to, is “What does it take to be an Olympian?” Before I clicked on it, I thought it was going to be another business guy making some stuff up or sharing some tips that he said would change my life but I’m actually dumber for having watched it. Thankfully, I was wrong! He actually asked the question to a real Olympian, with real gold medals, and got the real answer. Your ready? The answer is…practice. Not genes, not money, not politics, not contacts; practice. Watch the video to learn more! It’s like 4 and a half minutes long guys…you can do it.


I Am Prepared to Die
Nelson Mandela is one of the greatest leaders of modern history, and yet if you are familiar with his story, you know that it is a painful one. Arrested in 1962 for trying to fight back against the oppression of apartheid, he was supposed to spend the rest of his life in prison. This is not any easy thing to accept, but he embraced it, for he knew his cause was just. In his speech, “I Am Prepared to Die,” he tells his side of the story.

This speech is powerful because of the honesty with which he addresses his audience. Throughout the beginning paragraphs, he admits to the crimes he committed. I believe this is important for a speaker when trying to persuade an audience. It has been said, “If there is an elephant in the room, introduce it to everyone.” I believe this is a very effective approach to persuasion and public speaking, as it relieves the potential tension in the room that is keeping your message from being communicated as clearly as possible. As the speech continues, he explains in detail the purpose and direction of the organization he helped create to fight the problems of the day. This use of logos was also quite effective, as it set the record straight regarding his true intentions.

The most powerful part of the speech for me though, was the ending, in which he states:

“During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.”

It has been said, “In any fight, it is the man who is willing to die who will win.” Mr. Mandela would agree. (You can view the full speech here.)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Great Sermons | 7. Indescribable – Louie Giglio

Mercredi, 18 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Que le Dieu de l'espérance vous remplisse de toute joie et de toute paix dans la foi, pour que vous abondiez en espérance, par la puissance du Saint-Esprit!» Romains 15.13

Quote of the Day“We enjoy the chase more than the prize.”—Blaise Pascal
«On aime mieux la chase que la prise.»—Blaise Pascal

French Fun Fact: “Let them eat cake” was a statement falsely associated with Marie Antoinette as it was created ten years before she was born. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Mostly Cloudy, Precip. 0%
Temperature – 61⁰F, high of 63⁰
News – Blaze breaks out at top of Paris skyscraper (thelocal.fr)

A Day In the Life:
The risk in love, is that inevitably; by the cruel hands of change, the lurid hands of life, or the dark hands of death—we will at some point lose the ones we love. Is this not the story of humanity? We long, we love, we lose—an endless cycle of need, joy and pain. Some are fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to proceed through the cycle more than once in a lifetime, for even after they lose their first love they fulfill their longing with love anew, only to lose once again.
Is this not also the story of God to an extent? It seems that unless the object of our love is perfect, this cycle of longing, loving and losing presents itself as a universal principle. That is, unless the One in love is perfect. God longed. The logic of the Bible clearly supports this statement. It was not a longing out of need, for He is self-sufficient; but rather a longing of want. God wanted for something, and that something was us. So, as creators do when they feel appropriate, He created us. And He loved us. And He created us perfectly (for to say that we were created imperfectly would propose that the Creator Himself is imperfect). But with true perfection must come perfect freedom, and that is what He gave us. We were given a choice, and we chose incorrectly—making us imperfect and thus He lost His love.

Yet praise God that in His perfection, He found a way to win us back—for though we change, He does not; and though life be unfair, He is just; and though death be inevitable, He defeated it. The cycle was broken for us. And because of this we will never lose the One we love, the One we were created for.

This week’s sermon is from another personal favorite of mine, Louie Giglio. He has spoken at Liberty once or twice during my time there, and a lot of my friends and classmates really enjoy his speaking style. It is unique; a blend of humor and well-researched information that seems to reach down to the audience and bring them up to a new level of understanding – literally. I say literally because what he is most widely known for is his passion for space and the vastness of the universe. And as he draws you in win fact after fact about this universe, you begin to have a different perspective of the God who created it.

“If we counted each of the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy at a rate of one star per second, it would take 2,500 years. And yet God calls every star in the universe by name.”

How great is our God. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Great Missionaries | 7. Dixon Edward Hoste

Mardi, 17 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«L'Eternel est mon berger. Je ne manquerai de rien. Grâce à lui, je me repose dans des prairies verdoyantes, et c'est lui qui me conduit au bord des eaux calmes. Il me rend des forces neuves.» Psaumes 23.1-3

Quote of the Day“Greatness is a journey toward something we do not know.”—Charles de Gaulle
«La grandeur est un chemin vers quelque chose qu’on ne connaît pas.»—Charles de Gaulle

French Fun Fact: The guillotin was last used in 1977. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Clear, Precip. 0%
Temperature – 52⁰F, high of 61⁰
News – France tests Moscow's second Mistral ship (thelocal.fr)

A Day In the Life:
Yesterday I got up, I trained, I worked on my internship, I spent some quality time with the ball, I did some homework, and I went to bed to do it all over again. Yes please.

Dixon Edward Hoste
A couple of weeks ago, I shared with you the story of Hudson Taylor, the founder of the China Inland Mission. Taylor’s successor was another Englishman named Dixon Edward Hoste. Hoste was also an avid writer, and like his predecessor God used him greatly in His ongoing battle for China’s heart. Here is what I found on him:

Dixon Edward Hoste (23 July 1861 – 11 May 1946) was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China and the longest lived of the Cambridge Seven and successor to James Hudson Taylor as General Director of the
Dixon Edward Hoste
China Inland Mission, (from 1902 to 1935).

He was the son of Major General Dixon Edward Hoste (see Dixon Hoste disambiguation page). He was educated at Clifton College and the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, and at the age of 18 was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery. In 1882 he experienced conversion under the influence of Dwight Lyman Moody.

In 1883 he became interested in the work of the China Inland Mission, and was the first of the Cambridge Seven to apply to work with this mission, and after some delay was accepted, sailing for China in 1885. He was sent to Küwu (presumably Quwo), to the south of Linfen in Southern Shanxi. In 1886 he was ordained as a pastor by Hudson Taylor, and moved to Hungtung (now Hongdong or Hongtong) to work with Stanley Peregrine Smith who had opened an opium refuge there at the invitation of Pastor Hsi. He worked under Xi, wore Chinese clothes, ate Chinese food, and tried to get an insight into the Chinese mind. Hoste is credited with making the Chinese churches apply the indigenous principles of self-government, self-support, and self-propagation. This threefold motto was later adopted by the Three-Self Patriotic Movement after missionaries were expelled from China.

In 1893, he married Gertrude Broomhall, daughter of CIM General Secretary Benjamin Broomhall and his wife Amelia, (Hudson Taylor's sister). Because of ill-health Mr Hoste visited England in 1896 and then spent some time in Australia before returning to China. During his appointment as General Director of the China Inland Mission he was based in Shanghai, and after internment there by the Japanese Army from 1944 to 1945, returned to England where he died in 1946 at the Mildmay Nursing Home. His wife had died in Shanghai in approximately 1943.
(The above indented information is a direct quote from the Wikipedia.com article on Dixon Edward Hoste.)

36 Steps to Christian Leadership (1999)
If I am to Lead (1968)
The Insight of a Seer: Selections from the Writings of Hudson Taylor's Successor
Why I Have Joined the Bible Union of China (1921)


“The man who does not learn to wait upon the Lord and have his thoughts molded by Him will never possess that steady purpose and calm trust, which is essential to the exercise of wise influence upon others, in times of crisis and difficulty.”

Monday, March 16, 2015

Great Orators | 7. Graciano López Jaena

Monday, 16 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Ainsi donc, comme des élus de Dieu, saints et bien-aimés, revêtez-vous d'entrailles de miséricorde, de bonté, d'humilité, de douceur, de patience.» Colossiens 3.12

Quote of the Day“All that was once weak can never be absolutely strong [except Christ].”—Blaise Pascal
«Tout ce qui a été faible ne peut jamais être absolument fort [sauf Jésus-Christ].»—Blaise Pascal

French Fun Fact: More than 15,000 people were beheaded at the guillotine. (confessedtravelholic.com)

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Scattered Clouds, Precip. 10%
Temperature – 46⁰F, high of 59⁰
News – Jewish store re-opens after Paris terror attack (thelocal.fr)
More News – http://www.eurosport.fr/

A Day In the Life:
Today I start my last undergrad class! It is absolutely ridiculous how time flies…I just pray that I’m using it in a way that is pleasing to Him. I’m 20, and I know that in the scheme of things I’m really just getting started with this whole life thing (unless He plans to bring me home sometime soon, which I’m cool with), but I feel so old already. My greatest fear is wasting my life.
In the spirit of not wasting your life, I want to share a quote by Howard Thurman that Eldridge shares towards the end of Wild at Heart which really impacted me:

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

I hope you know what that looks like for you. And I hope it encourages you that you know have permission to do what you enjoy doing. If God has designed us with a special purpose in mind, and has given each of us unique desires and dreams, then it stands to reason that the only way you can waste your life is by not pursuing those desires and dreams which must ultimately lead to your  purpose.

Graciano López Jaena
“Graciano López Jaena (December 18, 1856 – January 20, 1896) was a journalist, orator, revolutionary, and national hero from Iloilo, the Philippines, who is well known for his newspaper, La Solidaridad.

Philippine historians regard López Jaena, along with Marcelo H. del Pilar and José Rizal, as the triumvirate of Filipino propagandists. Of these three ilustrados, López Jaena was the first to arrive in Spain and may have begun the Propaganda Movement, which was a movement based in Spain that Article on Graciano López Jaena
Graciano López Jaena
advocated the reform of the then-Spanish colony of the Philippines and which eventually led to the armed Philippine Revolution that begun in Manila in 1896. The Propaganda Movement was a key step towards a Philippine national identity.”—
Here is his story:

His parents sent López Jaena to Jaro to study at St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary which had been opened under the administration of Governor General Carlos María de la Torre y Nava Cerrada. While there, he served as a secretary to an uncle, Claudio López, who was the honorary vice consul of Portugal in Iloilo. His ambition to become a physician convinced his parents that this was the better course of action.

López Jaena sought enrollment at the University of Santo Tomas but was denied admission because the required Bachelor of Arts degree was not offered at the seminary in Jaro. Instead he was appointed to the San Juan de Dios Hospital as an apprentice. Unfortunately, due to financial problems, he dropped out and returned to Iloilo to practice medicine.

During this period, his visits with the poor began to stir feelings about the injustices that were common. At the age of 18 he wrote the satirical story "Fray Botod" which depicted a fat and lecherous priest. Botod’s false piety "always had the Virgin and God on his lips no matter how unjust and underhanded his acts are." This incurred the fury of the friars. Although the story was not published, a copy circulated in Iloilo but the friars could not prove that López Jaena was the author.

He got into trouble for refusing to testify that certain prisoners died of natural causes when it was obvious that they had died at the hands of the mayor of Pototan. López Jaena continued to agitate for justice and finally went to Spain when threats were made on his life. López Jaena sailed for Spain in 1879. There he became a leading writer and speaker for Philippine reform.

López Jaena pursued his medical studies at the University of Valencia but did not finish. Once Rizal reproached Lopéz Jaena for not finishing his medical studies. Graciano replied, "On the shoulders of slaves should not rest a doctor's cape." Rizal countermanded, "The shoulders do not honor the doctor's cape, but the doctor's cape honors the shoulders."

He then moved to the field of journalism. Losing interest in politics and academic life, he soon enjoyed his life in Barcelona and Madrid. However, his friends forgave him these indiscretions due to his talent with words. Mariano Ponce who was another of the Filipino propagandists in Spain observed, "... a deafening ovation followed the close of the peroration, the ladies waved their kerchiefs wildly, and the men applauded frantically as they stood up from their seats in order to embrace the speaker." Rizal noted, "His great love is politics and literature. I do not know for sure whether he loves politics in order to deliver speeches or he loves literature to be a politician."

In addition he is remembered for his literary contributions to the propaganda movement. López Jaena founded the fortnightly newspaper, La Solidaridad. When the publication office moved from Barcelona to Madrid, the editorship was succeeded to Marcelo H. del Pilar. His talent can be seen in the publication Discursos y Artículos Varios (Speeches and Various Articles).

López Jaena died of tuberculosis on January 20, 1896, eleven months short of his 40th birthday. The following day he was buried in an unmarked grave at the Cementerio del Sub-Oeste of Barcelona. He died in poverty.

His death was followed by Marcelo H. del Pilar's on July 4 and on December 30 by José Rizal's by firing squad, thus ending the great triumvirate of propagandists. His remains have not been brought back to the Philippines.

(The above indented information is a direct quote from the Wikipedia.com article on Graciano López Jaena.)