Saturday, March 21, 2015

Poem of the Week | 6. The Blessing of Valleys

Samedi, 21 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Béni soit l'homme qui se confie en l'Eternel et place sa confiance en l'Eternel. Il sera comme un arbre planté près d'un cours d'eau qui étend ses racines vers le ruisseau, il ne redoute rien lorsque vient la chaleur: ses feuilles restent vertes; il ne s'inquiète pas pendant l'année de sécheresse, et il ne cesse pas de produire du fruit.» Jérémie 17.7-8

Quote of the Day“He will not live well who does not know how to die.”—Seneca
«Il vivra mal celui qui ne saura pas mourir.»—Sénèque

French Fun Fact: Famous French inventions include: the hot air balloon, the submarine, and the parachute. (

What’s Really Happening Over Here
Weather – Rain Showers, Precip. 90%
Temperature – 48⁰F, high of 54⁰
News – 'Tide of the century': Thousands flock to coast (

A Day In the Life:
The book for this week is The Five Love Languages: Singles Edition, by Gary Chapman. I have heard a lot about the 5 love languages, but this is my first in-depth exposure to them, and as a communication major it has honestly profoundly impacted my perspective on interpersonal communication. I fully believe YHWH, the embodiment of love, when He says that love NEVER fails. But I had never really considered the fact that we all receive and therefore give love in different ways. I had also never really considered how effective it can be to learn to speak those languages. It makes sense though – at the end of the day the only thing we are seeking is love, thus the God/Love-sized whole in our hearts.

The five love languages are: words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts, physical touch, and quality time.

This has honestly shed a lot of light on all of my interpersonal relationships – why I am the way I am, why I act the way I act, and why others are the way they are. Personally, my primary love language is physical touch, with my secondary being words of affirmation. And I’m not kidding, if you never gave me anything, if you never spent any time with me, and you never did anything for me, but you put your arm around my shoulder and said you appreciated me, I would be good to go. This explains why I’m okay with being alone as often as I am (I really thought there was something wrong with me). Just give me a high five or something and my “love tank” (as Chapman calls it) is full.

But successful interpersonal communication comes not only from knowing yourself, but knowing others as well. I believe this was His whole plan from the beginning – we were created to know and be known. He wants to know us and for us to know Him. The only problem arose when we sinned, because that made it literally impossible for us to know Him. So He fixed that through His Son, and now the invitation is open to any and all who are interested in getting back to the real reason we exist. In fact, when we say we love someone, I think it is more than just sacrificing yourself and your wants and needs for someone else. I think it all comes down to the simple concept of being known. When you truly know someone, how could you not sacrifice yourself for them?

The Blessing of Valleys
A valley is not a valley where earth does not again raise
A man is not a man who has not endured a pubescent phase
There is not one desert on this earth that is not surrounded by water
There is not one orphan who herein dwells that lacks a loving Father

There is not one prisoner, innocent or guilty, who will not be set free from their prison
And there is not one human with breath in their lungs, who can speak of what they’ve not been given 

Often the deeper the valley before you,
The higher the peak of the mountain
And the hotter the heat and the fear in the desert,
The more vigilant you are for the Fountain.

By: Theodore Wilson III

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