Thursday, March 5, 2015

Great Speeches | 5. Speech to US Congress (Benjamin Netanyahu, March 3, 2015)

Jeudi, 5 Mars, 2015
Verse of the Day«Et ces commandements, que je te donne aujourd'hui, seront dans ton cœur. Tu les inculqueras à tes enfants, et tu en parleras quand tu seras dans ta maison, quand tu iras en voyage, quand tu te coucheras et quand tu te lèveras.» Deutéronome 6.6-7

Quote of the Day“In every revolution there are two types of people: those who make them and those who profit from them.”—Napoleon Bonaparte
«Dans les révolutions, il y a deux sortes de gens : ceux qui les font et ceux qui en profitent.»—Napoléon Bonaparte

French Fun Fact: French film production is second in the world. (

What’s Really Happening Over Here:
Weather – Mostly Cloudy, Precip. 0%
Temperature – 37⁰F, high of 46⁰
News – France demands reaction if Ukraine truce violated (

A Day In the Life:
Yesterday I promised to share with you the questions I will be asking during my interview tonight! 
Here they are:
-          Why France?
-          How long have you been here?
-          How long do you plan on staying?
-          What did you do before coming here?
-          What led you to making this decision?
-          Do you connect with other American missionaries here in France?
-          Was it difficult adjusting to the culture? Why or why not?
-          Did you go to language school before coming here?
-          Have you noticed any differences between the French Christian and the American Christian?
o   Between the French Church and the American Church?
-          What are some obstacles to sharing the Gospel here in France?
-          How important is fluency to sharing the Gospel?
-          How have you had to adapt your communication styles to be more effective in this environment?
-          How open can you be about your intentions?
-          Do you have a “tent-making” job? If so, what do you do?
-          What is a story of failure that you’ve had during your time here?
-          What was the reason you were unsuccessful?
-          What is a story of triumph you’ve had during your time here?
-          What was the reason you were successful?
-          What is the craziest story you have?

I’ll fill you in with the answers tomorrow!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Speech to US Congress
This speech, given on Tuesday of this week, could very well go down in history as a turning point in the history of the world. God’s promise to Abraham still stands – that He will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. With that in mind, the head of any nation with a head on his shoulders would make it his first priority to protect Israel’s interests. These interests were laid out clearly on Tuesday by Prime Minister Netanyahu.

His commanding voice and solid grasp of history (the Holocaust), literature (reference to Robert Frost), Scripture (he closed with Moses last words to Israel), and humanity (he referred directly to Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel), each worked together to convey a message of urgency and clarity regarding Israel’s militant terrorist neighbors and the position the United States is in to possibly stop it. Given how seriously God takes His promises, we can only pray that we do stop it.

Here is a link to further information about the speech:

Here is the speech: 

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